Published By CoST Admin |  November 25, 2021

On 25th November 2021, CoST Uganda launched its five year £ 2.2 Million pounds Business Plan 2021 – 2026. The plan was unveiled in an online engagement involving involving representatives Government, private sector, civil society, the media and development partners. The Plan will further be shared to a wider network of stakeholders during the launch of the results from the inaugural Infrastructure Transparency Index on the 3rd December 2021.

Focusing on four priority strategic areas including, Transparency and Accountability, Multi-stakeholder working, Inclusive Social Accountability and Institutional Strengthening, the new Business Plan will help position  CoST across a wider coverage in the sector and across the various levels of Government. Through the consultations  stakeholders  indicated the need for CoST’s  presence across the country, considering a wider list of projects through the Infrastructure Transparency Index and the Assurance process. The business plan articulates the marketing plan, Results framework and financial projections. It emphasizes how to strengthen and implement the four main approaches of CoST including Disclosure, Assurance, Multi-Stakeholder working and inclusive Social accountability to the Ugandan context.

In his statement, at the launch of the report, the Minister of Works and Transport who is the Champion of CoST Uganda, congratulated CoST Uganda and the Ministry of Works and Transport, for designing this plan. He noted that, the new Business Plan will specifically enable CoST Uganda consolidate our achievements and maintain our strategic imperative and relevance as a leading infrastructure transparency advocate in Uganda for the next five years. Committing Government’s support to the programme, he invited all past, current and potential new partners not to see this plan as a fixed proposal, but as a statement of intent, an illustration of ambition and a basis for a strategic discussion about future collaboration.

In the past four years, we have documented impact at sector, policy and project levels, to the realization of Uganda’s Infrastructure Transparency commitments to CoST International. This plan challenges us to double our efforts in delivering quality infrastructure, a stronger economy and better lives in Uganda.  And to effectively contribute to the realization of the National Development Plan, vision 2040, the SDGs and implement Uganda’s commitments to CoST International, I invite all stakeholders, to support its implementation” reads a statement from the Minister of Works and Transport, CoST Uganda Champion read by the Commissioner Urban Roads, Eng. Joseph Mukiibi.

CoST Uganda launches its plan at a time when the world is experiencing severe adversity resulting from the COVID19 pandemic since 2020. While this adversity progresses, CoST Uganda has continued to convene stakeholders using innovative ways of delivering messages on enhancing infrastructure transparency. Globally, by 2030, it is estimated that close to US$6 trillion could be lost annually[1] in construction through corruption, mismanagement and inefficiency. In Uganda, many actors and stakeholders have over time raised concerns on the quality of projects being delivered, lack of transparency and the limited citizen participation.

In his remarks, Gilbert Sendugwa, the Senior Regional Manager for Africa, congratulated CoST Uganda. He noted that the Plan was developed following extensive consultations, and appreciation of stakeholders on its value and impact on the sector. He also called upon Government and other stakeholders to support implementation of the plan. The programme will need need 30% to boost its institutional sustainability to champion CoST work, 35% for transparency and assurance related activities, 20% for social accountability and 15% for multi-stakeholder working engagements.

“Feedback from stakeholders concluded that, the initiative’s agenda is commended, desirable in Uganda and its role appreciated. This demonstrates that transparency, participation and accountability are not a break on delivery, but rather a lubricant that ensures clean and efficient delivery” Gilbert Sendugwa, Senior Regional Manager for Africa, CoST International.

Sharing remarks from the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Titus Kajura a Senior Economist at the Ministry, commended CoST Uganda for spearheading the consultation processes that culminated into this Business Plan, that will enable the programme continue to lead and maintain its role as the lead advocate for infrastructure transparency in Uganda. Government is cognizant of the role of infrastructure transparency, and has continued to invest into the sector to realise world class level infrastructure. And is committed to stakeholder engagements that promote transparency and accountability. These have been crucial in the planning and providing feedback on project implementation.

“I would like to assure you that, there is both political and technical will at all levels of Government, to improve transparency and accountability, in-spite of the concerns on the intergrity of the procurement process, however, Government is making reforms to streamline procurement and the private sector participation. Government will continue to use and support implementation of stakeholder engagement in public infrastructure projects”  Permanent Secretary, MoFPED’s remarks read by Titus Kajura, Senior Economist.

In regards to next steps, following the publication of the plan, CoST Uganda has developed a robust fundraising strategy, a communications and advocacy plan to advance its efforts in securing support for the implementation of the plan. Stakeholders’ comments on the plan ranged from it being a SMART plan, a realistic and good strategy that will drive the sector, great plan that will further keep the entities in check, great plan to scale up CoST work and it being a guide for other CoST members in the region. The programme invites stakeholders including Government of Uganda, development partners, the private sector and all well-wishers to invest into the implementation of this plan, and ultimately contribute to quality infrastructure, a stronger economy and better lives in Uganda.

Do reach out to us at for collaboration or any inquiries about the plan.

To access the Business Plan, check here
